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Well, add the wide range of calculators in your life to make your daily base calculations swiftly. Remember that under this premium subscription plan, you would be able to access more than enough calculations and plans of use along with instant, secure and precise calculations.
You will be entertained for the following premium offers:
You need to sign up for the account with a registered email and create a password. Typically, we advise our dear clients to set a complicated password to avoid any security issues. After you do that, you will be asked to make a payment against the chosen subscription plan to access your account. Keep one thing in mind that you will always be considerate about all the acts and activities occurring under the flag of your account.
NOTE: The information and data in your account is end-to-end encrypted. Calculator-online.net and any third party is strictly prohibited to access it in any way.
You need to make a payment in order to proceed. After your payments are confirmed by us, you will be directed to the login page instantly. For the sake of our customers, especially students and professionals, we offer two different payment plans to minimize their financial burden as well. These include:
You can buy a monthly subscription to facilitate yourself while doing calculations with our up to date calculators for a limited time span of 30 days.
This is the best payment plan to choose of both as it allows you to use unlimited features offered by calculator-online.net for a long duration of 365 days.
You do not need to be worried about the revised payment plans as everything is completely up to the mark and automatic. There is a feature button that is in your account for activation of auto-renewal. Your package will only be automatically renewed if this auto-renewal button is enabled and you have enough balance available in your account. But if you do not have balance in your account, then your subscription plan will be deactivated even if the auto-renewal button is enabled.
If you are not satisfied with the services, disable the auto-renewal button and your services will automatically be cancelled after the designated period of time.
Our refund policy is entertained out under the following circumstances:
If in case you face any difficulty, you can contact the following email ([email protected]). Our experts would be reaching you very soon.
Calculator-online.net has a legal right to make changes in the general and premium subscription plans at any time. If there are any changes made by us in our services for premium, we will highlight them at the top of the page, including all the terms and conditions which have been modified to new.
For any query, feel free to contact us at the following email [email protected]
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