Enter the volts and coulombs, and the calculator will convert volts to joules.
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Enter the number of volts and total charge in coulombs in the volts to joules calculator to find the number of joules. The online calculator will also convert the other variable of the voltage and charge.
Volts are the measure of the voltage while coulombs are the measure of the electric charge. On the other hand, the joule is the unit of energy in a system. You can convert volts to joules by multiplying the number of volts with the charge in the circuit.
The formula for volts to joules conversion is:
Joules=Volts ∗ Coulombs
Now if volts are missing the volts to joules conversion equation. Then
Volts= Joules/Coulombs
The value of Coulombs is equal to:
Coulombs = Joules/Volts
You can convert volts to joules, and joules to volts precisely with the volts to joules calculator.
The volts vs. joules conversion is given:
Joules | Volts |
1 | 0.2 |
75 | 15 |
100 | 20 |
150 | 30 |
200 | 40 |
225 | 45 |
300 | 60 |
360 | 72 |
375 | 75 |
450 | 90 |
525 | 105 |
600 | 120 |
675 | 135 |
750 | 150 |
825 | 165 |
The volts to joules conversion is not difficult while using the online tool. Let’s see how!
The one joule is equal to 1 J = 6.242×1018 V
The one volt is equal to: 1eV = 1.602×10-19 J
From the source of Mrsolar.com: Voltage to joules, What is a volt? From the source of 3.uwsp.edu: Voltage and current
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