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Convert Yards to Inches (yd to in)


yard (yd)


inch (in)


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Want to get instant and precise measurements for yards to inches, if so then you are at the right spot. The team of calculator-online provided you with the smart version of yard to inches converter that helps you to change between these two units.

You just have to enter the value for yards into the designated box and this yd to in converter will automatically provided you with the equivalent inches.

Read on!

Did You Know!

  • 1 yard (yd) is equal to 36 inch (in)
  • 1 inch (ft) is equal to 0.0277778 yard (yd)

Yards to Inches Formula:

You just have to consider this yard to inch formula, if you want to do these conversions yourself:

The formula for yard to inches is:

in = yd x 36

How to convert yards to inches?

If you want to change values from yard to in, and then simply add the value into the above converter, otherwise account the above formula, swipe down to for better understanding.

  • Yd to inch converter
  • Formula (look at the below example)

Example of Yards (ft) to Inches (in) conversion:

Problem: Convert 7 yards to inches?


Step 1 (Formula):

in = yd x 36

Step 2 (Put the Values):

in = yd x 36

Step 3 (Result):

252 inch

Means, 7 yards (yd) is equal to 252 inch (in)

Yards (yd) to inches (in) conversion table:

Yards(yd) Inches(in)
1 yd 36 in
2 yd 72 in
3 yd 108 in
4 yd 144 in
5 yd 180 in
6 yd 216 in
7 yd 252 in
8 yd 288 in
9 yd 324 in
10 yd 360 in
15 yd 540 in
20 yd 720 in
25 yd 900 in
30 yd 1080 in
35 yd 1260 in
40 yd 1440 in
45 yd 1620 in
50 yd 1800 in
60 yd 2160 in
70 yd 2520 in
80 yd 2880 in
90 yd 3240 in
100 yd 3600 in


From the source of Britannica – Yard Measurement (Recently updated by Robert Curley, Senior Editor)