Speed of sound in water or air can be determined by simply entering the required values in the tool’s designated field.
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The speed of sound calculator finds the speed at which sound waves travel in a given medium under a specific heat condition. It determines how temperature changes can impact the speed of sound in water or air.
Speed of sound mph is defined as;
Speed of sound is influenced by both the temperature as well as the medium through which a sound wave is traveled. At the temperature of 20 °C, the sound waves traveled at a speed of about 343 m/s or one km in 2.91s or 1 mile in 4.69s
The speed of sound in mph can be calculated using the formula:
\(v = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma \cdot P}{\rho}}\)
If you need to find the speed of sound in water at sea level, you can use the formula. v = \sqrt{\frac{B}{\rho}}
At the water temperature of 20 °C, the speed of sound in water is approximately; 1481 m/s 5332 km/h 4859 ft/s 3313 mph
Air can be considered nearly the ideal gas. The formula below helps to manually find the speed of sound in dry air under standard atmospheric conditions. v = \sqrt{\gamma \cdot R \cdot T}
At the air temperature of 20 °C, the speed of sound in dry air is approximately; 343.14 m/s 1235.3 km/h 1125.8 ft/s 767.6 mph
Required Entities:
760 mph At sea level, the speed of sound is approximately 760 miles per hour or 1100 feet per second.
The speed of sound is faster in water than in air. In water, sound travels at a speed of approximately 1500 m/s, and in the air is about 340 m/s. This is because the mechanical properties of water are much different than the air.
The speed of sound can vary with the following factors:
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