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Convert quart to cups


quart (US)


cups (US)


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Are you going to try a recipe and you don’t have an idea about how many cups in a quart? no doubt, kitchen conversion measurements are crucial as it leads to the good taste of recipe that you are decided to make. The calculator-online provided a smart quart to cups converter through which one can readily perform conversions from quarts to cups. The amazing thing is that there’s no conversion factor required, just you ought to plug-in the value for cups to obtain cups per quart.

As a matter of convenience, our team demonstrates formula for quarts to cups that helps you in step-by-step (manual conversions). But, first, let’s answer the term of how many cups are in a quart!

Read on!

  • 1 US liquid quart is equal to 4 US cups
  • 2 US cups is equal to 0.5 US liquid quarts

Quart to Cups formula:

The formula for quart to cup is:

US cup = US qt x 4

How do you convert quarts to cups?

Convert with:

  • Online quart to cups converter
  • Formula (the below example helps you)

Example of US quarts to cups US conversion:

Problem: Convert 6 cups US to quart US?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • US cup = US qt x 4

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • US cup = 6 x 4

Step 3 (Result):

  • 24 US cups

Means, 6 US liquid quarts is equal to 24 US cups

US Liquid quarts (qt) to US cups conversion table: