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Convert Tablespoon (US) to Teaspoon (US)


tablespoon (US)


teaspoon (US)


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Tablespoons and teaspoons both are the well-known units of volume that are handy for measuring smaller amount of ingredients (e.g. spices, oils, vanilla extract, etc). Knowing how many teaspoons in a tablespoon will save a lot of time while baking or cooking. US tbsp to US tsp conversions especially considered when scaling a recipe up or down. An online tablespoon us to teaspoon us converter by calculator-online is a free tool that helps you to perform instant & precise conversions between tablespoon and teaspoon.

So, when you’re working with a limited set of measuring spoons or scaling your favorite recipes up or down, then you should have to account this online converter for tbsp to tsp as this will save time.

Well, we here also discuss the manual conversion equation for tablespoon to us tsp.

Read on!

  • 1 US tablespoon (tbsp) is equal to 14.7868 US teaspoons (tsp)
  • 1 US teaspoon (tsp) is equal to 0.067628 US tablespoons (tbsp)

Tablespoon us to teaspoon us Formula:

The formula for tablespoon to teaspoon is:

US tsp = US tbsp x 3

How do you convert tablespoon us to teaspoon us?

Convert with:

  • Online tbsp us to teaspoon us converter
  • Formula (the below example helps you)

Example of tablespoon (tbsp) to teaspoon (ml) conversion:

Problem: Convert 1/2 tbsp to tsp?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • US tsp = US tbsp x 3

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • US tsp = 1/2 tbsp x 3

Step 3 (Result):

  • 1.5 teaspoons

Means, 1/2 us tablespoons (tbsp) is equal to 1.5 us teaspoons (tsp)

US Tablespoons (tbsp) to US Teaspoons (tsp) conversion table: