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Balancing Chemical Equations Calculator

Balancing Chemical Equations Calculator

Enter a chemical equation and this calculator will instantly balance it and display the number of molecules and atoms.

Enter an Equation

H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh FI Mc Lv Ts Og
Lanthanoids Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Actinoids Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
SPACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + = CLEAR

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Use this free online balancing chemical equations calculator to balance any equation, structure, and find equilibrium constant with chemical names and formulas. So if you are indulging with complex reactions, no need to be worried more! This chemical equation calculator with states balances different equations of chemical reactions.

Continue reading to learn how to balance chemical equations either manually or by using this best chemical equation balancer.

What Is Chemical Equation?

“The chemical equation is defined as the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction, with reactants on the left and products on the right.”

Arrows separate reactants and products. Each substance in a chemical reaction is separated by a plus sign (+).

$$ \text{Reactant_{1}} + \text{Reactant_{2}} \rightarrow \text{Final Product} $$

How ​​are Chemical Equations Written?

Chemical equations provide information about the reaction elements and molecules produced from the reaction. The Law of Conservation of mass describes that the mass of the reactants must be balanced with the mass of the product. A chemical equation is balanced when the atoms and molecules of the element on the reactant side (left side) and the product side (right side) become the same. For instance, this chemical formula calculator can also do the same for you and let you know how you could manage a reaction by comparing reactant and product amounts on the left and right side of the reaction.

When writing the chemical equation, the reactants must be located in front of the arrow on the left and the product on the right. This remains the same when using the balancing chemical equations calculator with steps. The arrow \(\rightarrow\) indicates that the reaction is irreversible and indicates the direction of the reaction. The plus sign indicates more than one product or reactant on each side of the equation.

The word equation gives a good summary, and the symbolic equation gives more details. It shows more information and allows us to see how many molecules and atoms are involved in each reaction.

In short, the chemical equation shows the total chemical conversion of reactants to products.

The two ways to write chemical equations are as under:

Symbolic Equations:

It is the symbolic form of the equation in which we use symbols rather than writing the whole name of reactants and products.

For example:

$$ \underbrace{{SO_2(g) + O2(g) }}_{\text{Reactants}} \rightarrow \underbrace{{SO_3(g)}}_{\text{Products}} \nonumber $$

In the above chemical equation, \(SO_2\) is Sulphur Dioxide, \(SO_3\), and \(O_2\) is oxygen. The free balancing chemical equations calculator step by step also lets you know how to balance a reaction that is written using compound symbols.

Consider one more example here:

$$ HCl + NaOH → H_{2}O + NaCl $$


HCl = Hydrochloric Acid

NaOH = Caustic Soda

\(H_{2}O\) = Water

NaCl = Sodium Chloride (Salt)

Online chemical balancing calculator allows you to make a balanced chemical equation immediately.

However, an online Percent Yield Calculator helps you to calculate the percent yield value by adding theoretical yield and actual yield value.

Various Symbols Used In Symbolic Equation:

Get through the table below that highlights all the symbols that one must encounter when carrying out a chemical reaction in the laboratory.


Description Symbol Description
+ used to separate multiple reactants or products (s)

reactant or product in the solid state

yield sign; separates reactants from products (l) reactant or product in the liquid state
replaces the yield sign for reversible reactions that reach equilibrium (g)

reactant or product in the gas state


formula written above the arrow is used as a catalyst in the reaction (aq) reactant or product in an aqueous solution (dissolved in water)


triangle indicates that the reaction is being heated  


All of these mentioned indications are also used by this online chemical balancer to avoid any disturbance in understanding a chemical reaction.

Word Equations:

“In word equations, each and every molecule involved is expressed by its full descriptive name.”

You can perform calculations of reactions written in words using the online equation balancer calculator with steps. But when it comes to manually, you are posed to something like shown below in the example:

For example:

$$ \text{Flour} + \text{Butter} + \text{Sugar} + \text{Milk} + \text{Baking Soda} + \text{Eggs} + \rightarrow \text{Bread} $$

With the aid of this best balancing chemical equation solver, you can instantly get a well-defined layout of reactants and products in equilibrium state.

Unbalanced & Balanced Equations:

Now we will discuss how chemical equations are unbalanced during the reaction schemes. Moreover, get to know how you could balance them either manually or by using this balancing chemical equations calculator with solution. Let’s move ahead!

Unbalanced Chemical Equation:

“It is a reaction in which the number of reactants are not equal to that of the products.”

Brief Explanation:

Take a look at the following equation:

$$ 2A + 2B = AB $$

Now if we see on the reactant side, there are 2 atoms of A molecule and 2 atoms B molecule. But if a sight is thrown on the product side, there are only 1 atom of each molecule. Now this fact is totally neglectable in the light of mass conservation law. That is why we recommend using this law of conservation of mass calculator to balance the mass of the reactants and the products.

Balanced Chemical Equation:

“When the number of reactants and products become equal on both sides of the equation, it is referred to as a balanced one.”

And this is what our free balancing chemical equation calculator does. So without wasting your precious time, get immediate balancing equations by using it.

Brief Explanation:

Let’s consider the following reaction:

$$ 2A + 2B = 2AB $$

Now this is considered a balanced reaction as the number of the atoms on the left and right side are exactly equal. Apart from this generic one, you can balance any reaction by relying on this chemical balancer calculator.

Types of Chemical Equations:

Chemical equations are categorised depending upon the changes that occur during the product formation in a reaction. The most highlighted types discovered so far are as follows:

Synthesis Equation:

This is basically a combination reaction. In these chemical reactions, a couple of or more reactants combine to form a new product/s. You can instantly balance these reactions by subjecting to this best balancing chemical reactions calculator.

Generic Form:

$$ {A} + {B} \rightarrow {AB} $$

For example:

$$ 2CO + O_{2} \rightarrow 2CO_{2} $$

As you notice, two gases are combined to form the final gas. Moreover, you can also analyse various molecular gaseous combinations with this free molecular equation calculator.

Decomposition Equation:

A particular reaction scheme in which larger molecules are broken down into smaller products is known as the decomposition reaction.

Generic Form:

$$ {AB} \rightarrow {A} + {B} $$

For example:

$$ 2H_{2}O \rightarrow \2H_{2} + O_{2} $$


One thing that you must always keep in mind is that a large amount of energy is required to break a substance or compound into its daughter compounds. With this balanced chemical equation calculator, you can get to know how large is the energy that is needed to dissociate a molecule into smaller ones.

Single Replacement Reactions:

In this kind of reaction, only a single entity is there that replaces itself with another entity similar to it.

Generic Form:

$$ {A} + {BC} \rightarrow {AC} + {B} $$

For example:

$$ {Mg} \left( s \right) + {Cu(NO_3)_2} \left( aq \right) \rightarrow {Mg(NO_3)_2} \left( aq \right) + {Cu} \left( s \right) $$

Look at the above reaction keenly. Here the metal Zinc reacts with Hydrochloric acid to produce Zinc Chloride by replacing itself with hydrogen, may be a similar element to it.

The more precise confirmation and structure can be observed with our chemical equation balancer.

Double Replacement Reactions:

These types of reactions take place among ionic compounds only where they exchange their negative and positive ions to form the final product. One more thing to consider here is that you will only be able to allow two ionic reactants to form two ionic products. In order to better understand the chemistry behind it, try this free chemical equation balancer.

Generic Form:

$$ {AB} + {CD} \rightarrow {AD} + {CB} $$

For example:

$$ Ba\left(OH\right)_{2} + 2CuCNS \rightarrow \Ba\left(CNS\right)_{2} + 2CuOH $$

In this reaction scheme, Barium Hydroxide reacts with Copper Thiocyanate to form double products that are Barium Thiocyanate and Cupric Hydroxide. For a better prediction about the reaction equilibrium, use this balance chemical equations calculator.

Combustion Equation:

When a compound reacts with oxygen, it releases a lot of energy in heat and light formation. This type of reaction is known as the combustion reaction.

For example:

When Hydrogen gas is ignited, it forms water vapours that can also be checked by this balancing equations calculator and is given as under:

$$ 2 {H_2} \left( g \right) + {O_2} \left( g \right) + 2 {H_2O} \left( g \right) $$

Neutralization Equation:

In a neutralization reaction, an acid reacts with a base to form salt and water.

Generic Form:

$$ \text{Acid} + \text{Base} \rightarrow \text{Salt} + \text{Water} $$

For example:

When Caustic Soda reacts with Hydrochloric Acid, it produces Water and Sodium Chloride

$$ NaOH + HCl \rightarrow NaCl + H_{2}O $$

Now to comprehend with the chemistry involved in this reaction and to balance the reaction, you must make use of the balance equations calculator chemistry.

How to Balance Equations Chemistry?

As you already know chemical equation balancing can be done if reactants and products’ atoms are brought the same in number. So we would explain various ways to clarify your concept. Move on!

Using Oxidation Redox Method:

Consider that we have the reaction equation as below:

$$ Fe + O_2 = Fe_2O_3 $$

Unbalanced Chemical Equation:

Write the imbalanced equation of the chemical reaction. All products and reactants must be known. For best results, a chemical balance calculator records the reaction in ion form.

$$ O_2 + Fe → Fe_2O_3 $$

Make a List:

The balancing equations calculator with steps divides the redox reaction into half of the reaction. Redox reactions are nothing but oxidation and reduction reactions that proceed simultaneously.

  1. a) The chemical balance equation calculator specifies the oxidation state for each atom in the equation. The oxidation state (also called the oxidation number) is a measure of the oxidation state of the atoms in a substance.

$$ O^0_2 + Fe^0 → Fe^{+3}_2O^{-2}_3 $$

  1. b) The balancing chemical equations solver identifies and records all redox pairs of the reaction. Determine which reactants are oxidized (increase in oxidation state in the reaction) and reduce (decrease in oxidation state).

$$ O: Fe^0 → Fe_{– 2}^{+3} O^{-2}_3 $$

$$ R: O^0_2 → H^{+1}_{2}O^{-2} $$

  1. c) If the redox pair is oxygen in the -2 oxidation state or hydrogen in the +1 oxidation state, then a balanced equation calculator replaces it with water molecules.

$$ O: Fe0 → Fe – 23 + 32O $$

$$ R: O^0_2 → H – 2 + 12O $$

Determine the atoms in each element:

Balance the atoms in every half chemical reaction. The chemical equation must have the same number of atoms for each element on both sides of the equation. Add the appropriate ratio that comes before the chemical formula. Please do not change the formula while balancing it. The balance chemical equations calculator balance each half of the reaction separately.

a) Balance all other atoms except oxygen and hydrogen. For this, we can use any type in the skeleton equation.

Note that the balance equations calculator adds reactants on the left side of the equation, and products are added on the right side.

$$ O: 2Fe → O_3Fe_2 $$

$$ R: O_2 → 2H_2O $$

b) Balance the oxygen atoms: In the equation, the balance chemical equation calculator adds oxygen atoms on the left and right sides to equal the number of oxygen atoms.

$$ O: 3H_2O + 2Fe → Fe_2O_3 $$

$$ R: O_2 → 2H_2O $$

c) Balance the hydrogen atoms: The balancing equation calculator checks the same numbers of hydrogen atoms on the left and right sides, and if they aren’t equal, then these atoms can be equal by adding protons (H+).

$$ O: 3H_2O + 2Fe → Fe_2O_3 + 6H+ $$

$$ R: 4H+ O_2 → 2H_2O $$

Balance the Charge:

The balancing chemical equations calculator balance the charge by adding electrons (e-) to the more positive side to equal the less positive side of the half-reaction.

$$ O: 3H_2O + 2Fe → 6H+ + 6e- + Fe_2O_3 $$

$$ R: 4H + O_2 + + 4e- → 2H_2O $$

Put Coefficients in Front of Molecules:

The equation balancing calculator multiplies the various coefficients by an integer that gives the least common multiple of the half-reaction.

$$ O: 3H_2O + 2Fe → 6H+ + 6e- + Fe_2O_3| *2 $$

$$ R: 4H + O_2 + 4e- → 2H_2O| *3 $$

$$ O: 6H_2O + 4Fe → 12H+ + 12e- + 2Fe_2O_3 $$

$$ R: 12H+ + 12e- + 3O_2 → 6H_2O $$

Add Half-Reactions:

These two half-reactions can be combined with equation arrows. The balanced chemical equation calculator adds all reactants on one side and all products on the other side.

$$ 4Fe + 6H_2O + 3O_2 + 12H+ + 12e- → 6H_2O + 2Fe_2O_3 + 12H+ + 12e- $$

Simplify the Equation:

Write the given equations so that the coefficients are the smallest set of integers.

$$ 3O_2 + 4Fe → 2Fe_2O_3 $$

Finally, the balancing chemical equations calculator always checks whether the equation is balanced or not.

First, the chemical formula calculator makes sure that the equations have the same number of atoms on both sides of the certain equation.

Fe 4*1 2*2 0
O 3*2 2*3 0

Second, the chemical equation product calculator makes sure that the sum of charges on one side of the equation equals the sum of charges on the other side. It does not matter what the charge as long as the two sides are the same.

$$ 3*0 + 4*0 = 2*0 $$

$$ 0 = 0 $$

Because the sum of the atoms on the left side of the equation is equal to the sum of the same atoms on the right side of the equation, and the charges on both sides are equal, the chemical reaction calculator write a balance equation

$$ 3O_2 + 4Fe → 2Fe_2O_3 $$

However, an online Ideal Gas Law Calculator computes the unknown measurable properties of the ideal gas law equation.

Using Ion-Electron Method:

This method is applicable to balance chemical equations if the reaction is taking place in the aqueous media. This free balanced dissociation equation calculator also considers all these factors to balance a chemical equation using the ion-electron method.

Let’s move ahead by discussing the basics of the method in brief detail.

Consider the following reaction:

$$ Cl^{-} + MnO_{4}^{-} \rightarrow Cl_{2}^{o} + Mn^{2+} $$

Now in this reaction, we will be choosing only those parameters or atoms that will undergo any change in their oxidation states. So keep in touch with the kinematics!

Oxidized and Reduced Parts:

As we already know the atom that loses electrons is said to be oxidized and the one that accepts is reduced. So separating the oxidized and reduced parts of the above reaction as follows:

Oxidized Agent:

$$ Cl \rightarrow Cl_{2}^{o} $$

Reduced Agent:

$$ MnO_{4}^{-} \rightarrow Mn^{2+} $$

Now here we will focus on Cl atom. Since it is having a couple of atoms on the product side, so we have:

$$ 2Cl \rightarrow Cl_{2}^{o} $$

As we are discussing the reaction taking place in aqueous acidic medium, so we have to tackle the amounts of \(H^{+}\) ions and water \(H_{2}O\) to attain equilibrium in their concentration as follows:

$$ 8H^{+} + MnO_{4}^{-} \rightarrow Mn_{2}^{+} + 4H_{2}O $$

Moving ahead to write the electrons lost or gained by the atoms:

$$ 2Cl \rightarrow Cl_{2}^{o} + -2e^{-} $$

$$ 8H^{+} + MnO_{4}^{-} + 5e \rightarrow Mn_{2}^{+} + 4H_{2}O $$

The balance reaction calculator also does all these steps in a span of moments to save you people a lot of time.

Now as the equations are unbalanced, we will be balancing them as follows:

$$ 5 * \left(2Cl \rightarrow Cl_{2}^{o} + -2e^{-}\right) $$

$$ 2 * \left(8H^{+} + MnO_{4}^{-} + 5e \rightarrow Mn_{2}^{+} + 4H_{2}O\right) $$

So the final balanced equation will be as follows:

$$ 10Cl^{-} + 16H + 2MnO_{4}^{-} \rightarrow 5Cl_{2} + 2Mn^{2+} + 8H_{2}O $$

Table of Some Common Ions:

This detailed map structure of the whole reaction scheme can also be obtained by using this best balance equation calculator. Also here, we have arranged a couple of tables that are packed with all positive and negative ions necessary to carry out the reaction schemes. Let’s have a look at them:

Negative Ions:

Valency 1

Valency 2 Valency 3
Fluoride F– Oxide O2- Phosphate



Cl– Sulphide S2-
Bromide Br– Carbonate CO32-


I– Sulphate SO42-
Hydroxide OH– Sulphite SO32-


NO3– Dichromate Cr2O72-
Bicarbonate HCO3– Chromate CrO42-


HSO3– Oxalate C2O42-
Nitrite NO2– Thiosulphate S2O32-


ClO3– Tetrathionate S4O62-
Permanganate MnO4– Monohydrogen Phosphate HPO42-


Positive Ions:

Valency 1

Valency 2 Valency 3
Lithium Li+ Magnesium Mg2+ Aluminium



Na+ Calcium Ca2+ Iron III Fe3+
Potassium K+ Strontium Sr2+ Chromium



Ag+ Barium Ba2+
Hydronium H3O+ Copper II Cu2+


H+ Lead II Pb2+
Ammonium NH4+ Zinc


Copper I

Cu+ Manganese II Mn2+
Mercury I Hg+ Iron II


All of these ions are taken into strict consideration while balancing a chemical equation by our best equation balancing calculator.

Balancing Equation In Basic Medium:

To write the equation taking place in the basic medium, we need to consider a redox reaction once again:

$$ H_{2}O + MnO_{4}^{-1} + C_{2}O_{4}^{-2} \rightarrow MnO_{2} + CO_{2} + OH^{-1} $$

Here the atoms that will show changes in their oxidation states are as follows:

$$ MnO_{4}^{-1} \hspace{0.25in} and \hspace{0.25in} C_{2}O_{4}^{-2} $$

If you let this best balance equations chemistry calculator look for the agents that change oxidation state, you will get an instant display of such atoms with a tendency to be oxidized.

Oxidizing Agent:

$$ C_{2}O_{4}^{-2} $$

Reducing Agent:

$$ MnO_{4}^{-1} $$

What we are required to do here is to make the number of Carbon atoms equal. That can be done by making changes in the oxidation parts. Now here to balance the equation, we will be going ahead to add two water molecules on the left side and four \(OH^{-}\) on the right side of the reaction.

$ $ MnO_{4}^{-1} + 2H_{2}O \rightarrow MnO + 4OH $$

Now we will be looking for electrons lost and gained in each section:

$$ C_{2}O^{-2}_{4} \rightarrow 2CO_{2} + -2e $$


$$ MnO_{4}^{-1} + 2H_{2}O + 3e \rightarrow MnO + 4OH^{-} $$

Now, we will be balancing the final equation as per under:

$$ 2MnO_{4}^{-1} + 3C_{2}O_{4}^{-2} 4H_{2}O \rightarrow 2MnO + 6CO_{2} + 8OH^{-} $

In case of any hurdle during the process, you can make free use of this balancing equations calculator to attain the final balanced equation.

Using Fractional Coefficients to Balance Equations:

Now the question arises whether it is possible to use fractional coefficients? Yes, of course!

You can better understand it with the help of this balancing reactions calculator. But right here, we will be discussing it theoretically:

  • One thing to keep in mind always is that these fraction coefficients are only used when necessary and no other choice available.
  • Moreover, you must remember that these coefficients are not displayed in the final equation that is balanced because it is a rule.
Example Briefing:

Let’s consider the following reaction:

$$ C_{4}H_{10} \rightarrow H_{2} + CO_{2} $$

Now moving on to balance the equation. Here on the left side, there are ten hydrogen atoms. On the right side, there are 5 molecules of water. Just like that, for exactly 4 carbon atoms on the reactant side, there must be 4 molecules of carbon dioxide on the product side.

At last, the equation is as follows:

$$ C_{4}H_{10} + O_{2} \rightarrow 5H_{2}O + 4CO_{2} $$

Now if you look at this reaction equation, this seems to be unbalanced. To balance it, you can either use a balancing chemical equations calculator or follow the lead below defined.

Here if you look at the above reaction, you would see that there is not any number that would yield 13 by multiplying with 2. This is because we need to balance the number of oxygen atoms. That is why we will be using fraction coefficient here as pr the temporary rule defined:

$$ C_{4}H_{10} + \frac{13}{2} O_{2} \rightarrow 5H_{2}O + 4CO_{2} $$

Here you could immediately access the balanced form of such equations by balance equation calculator with steps.

Recognition of Limiting Reagent:

Every chemical reaction is run with a certain amount of reactants being converted into products. But sometimes, the reaction stops due to the unavailability of certain reactants after some time. This reactant is considered as the limiting one and can be fetched for any chemical reaction by using our another limiting reactant calculator.

How to Balance a Chemical Equation?

Let’s move on by resolving a couple of examples to clarify your concept in more depth!

Example # 01:

Balance the following chemical equation given as under:

$$ Zn + HCl \rightarrow ZnCl_{2} + H_{2} $$

Also show the reaction stoichiometry:


Here we have:

$$ Zn + HCl \rightarrow ZnCl_{2} + H_{2} $$

Now as you see the reaction carefully, you will yourself analyse the following data:

Zn atoms on reactant side = 1

Zn atoms on product side = 1

Hydrogen atoms on reactant side = 1

Hydrogen atoms on product side = 2

Chlorine atoms on reactant side = 1

Chlorine atoms on product side = 2

So everything is almost ok except a couple of entities, that are H and Cl. So if you multiply
the HCl in the reactant side by 2, you will get the balanced form of the equation.

$$ Zn + 2HCl \rightarrow ZnCl_{2} + H_{2} $$

Apart from all these complicated steps and factors involved, you can also let this best balancing chemical equations calculator to balance the reaction in a couple of seconds.

Example # 02:

Balance the following equation:

$$ S_{8} + F_{2} \rightarrow SF_{6} $$


Well, you can also use our free balance chemical equations calculator to balance this equation instantly. But what about having a look at the manual calculations? Let’s move forward!

Sulphur atoms on reactant side = 8

Sulphur atoms on product side = 1

Fluorine atoms on reactant side = 2

Fluorine atoms on product side = 6

So all we need here is to balance the sulphur atoms on both sides. For that, we will multiply the sulphur atoms on product side by the number 8

$$ S_{8} + F_{2} \rightarrow 8SF_{6} $$

Now here another problem comes out which is the unbalanced number of the fluorine atoms on both sides of the equation. So we will be multiplying the reactant side fluorine atoms with 24.

$$ S_{8} + 24F_{2} \rightarrow 8SF_{6} $$

Now the equation is almost balanced. For instant verification, you can let the balancing equation calculator with steps to perform confirmations in no time.

How Balancing Chemical Equations Calculator Works?

This chemical balance calculator describes the quantities of products and reactants precisely in a chemical reaction by following these steps:


  • First, enter the chemical equation with the help of a periodic table. You can balance several equations by clicking on the load example button.
  • Hit the calculate button to balance the equation.


  • The chemical equation balancer calculator displays the balanced equation.
  • It also provides the molecules and atoms of different elements that participate in the chemical reaction.


What are the main types of chemical equations?

The main types of chemical equations are:

  • Combustion reaction
  • Combination reaction
  • Decomposition reaction
  • Precipitation reaction

All of these reactions can easily be balanced with the help of our best chemical equation balance calculator.

Why is it crucial that a chemical equation is always balanced?

Chemical equations are used to create different chemicals and compounds. Using these chemical equations with balanced atoms leads to chemical reactions that produce the desired product. That is why this balancing chemical equations calculator takes a couple of clicks in displaying the exact amount of each reactant and product to balance the final representing equation.

What is the significant rule to balance an equation?

The most crucial aspect while balancing a chemical equation is that you must consider the amount of reactants and products the same on both sides. In case you feel difficulty, try using our free online balanced reaction calculator.

What happens if the equations are not balanced?

If the chemical reaction equations are not balanced, there would be no way to derive any information about the reactants and product relationship that corresponds to the reaction stoichiometry. This is why the free balancing equations chemistry calculator assists you in determining the balanced form of the chemical equation.


Use this online balance the equation calculator to convert the unbalanced equation to a balanced chemical equation that is not beneficial for productivity. Balancing different equations can be a risky task because it involves dealing with other element atoms and molecules.


From the source of Wikipedia: Formation of chemical reaction, Balancing chemical equations, Matrix method, Ionic equations, barium phosphate.

From the source for Lumen Learning: Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations, Balancing Equations, Additional Information in Chemical Equations, Equations for Ionic Reactions, complete ionic equation.

From the source of Brilliant: Balancing Chemical Reactions, Hit and Trial Method, polyatomic ions, Ion Electron Method, N-factor Method.