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This word problem solver helps solve numerical or problem-based questions with step-by-step solutions. Simply type in the problem or upload an image, and the tool will guide you through the solution. Whether it’s about numbers, measurements, units, distance problems, cost problems, investment problems, or percent problems, you can use this tool for a limited number of free questions.
Sarah has 24 apples. She wants to put them into bags. If she puts 6 apples in each bag, how many bags will she have?
Sarah has a total of 24 apples and wants to put 6 apples in each bag. To find the number of bags, we can divide the total number of apples by the number of apples per bag.
The equation is:
Number of bags = Total apples Apples per bag
Number of bags = 24 6
= 4
Therefore, Sarah will have 4 bags of apples.
Yes, story problem solver is suitable for students of all levels. It can help them:
Wikipedia: Word problem (mathematics), word problem for semi-Thue systems and for groups, word problem in combinatorial calculus and lambda calculus, word problem for abstract rewriting systems.
Khan Academy: Multi-step word problems with whole numbers.
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