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Average Velocity Calculator

Average Velocity Calculator

Select the parameter and provide all required ones to calculate the average, initial, final, and average velocity of an object through this calculator.

To Calculate:

Initial Velocity


Final Velocity



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An average velocity calculator is a tool that allows you to calculate average velocity, final velocity, initial velocity as well as average velocity for a round trip. This calculator for average velocity will perform calculations corresponding to the average velocity formula physics.

What is Average Velocity in Physics?

In physics, the average velocity of any moving object is explained by its total displacement that is divided by the total time taken to cover that distance. In most simple words, we can say that it is the rate at which an object moves to change its position from one place to another place in some time.

What is the Formula for Average Velocity?

When we calculate average velocity it comes out as the total distance of any object over a precise period of time. Therefore, the average velocity equation represents the division of displacement by total time period.

Mathematical Representation:

Average velocity is denoted by “Vav” and can be represented by the following formulas:

  • Average velocity = (change in position of object) / (time taken to change the position)
  • Vav = Δx / Δt

If any object covers distances xi and xf during time intervals ti and tf then the formula will be:

  • Vav = Xf – Xi / Tf –Ti or
  • Vav = U+V / 2

How Our Calculator Works?

Calculate Average Velocity:


  • First of all, you ought to choose the “average velocity” option from the drop-down menu of this tool
  • Very next, you have to add the value of “initial velocity” into the designated, and it’s unit either be in m/s, ft/s, km/h, km/s, mi/s, or mph
  • Then, you ought to add the value of “final velocity” into the designated field of this calculator, and it’s unit either be in m/s, ft/s, km/h, and more


Once you added the above parameters into the given fields, hit the calculate button, this average velocity calculator will show:

  • Average Velocity
  • Initial Velocity
  • Final Velocity

Calculate Initial Velocity:


  • First of all, you have to choose the option of “initial velocity” from the given drop-down menu of this calculator
  • Very next, you ought to enter the value of “average velocity” into the given field of the tool
  • Then, you have to enter the value of “final velocity” into the given field of the above calculator


Once you followed the above steps, then all you need to hit the calculate button, the calculator will generates:

  • Initial Velocity
  • Final Velocity
  • Average Velocity

Calculate Final Velocity:


  • At first, you ought to select the option of “final velocity” from the given drop-down of this calculator
  • Right after, you have to enter the value for “average velocity” into the designated field of this tool
  • Then, you ought to enter the value for “initial velocity” into the given field of this calculator


Once you have done, then simply hit the calculate button, this online calculator will provide you with:

  • Final Velocity
  • Initial Velocity
  • Average Velocity

Calculate Average Velocity of Round Trip:


  • First of all, you have to choose the option of “average velocity of round trip” from the given drop-down of this calculator
  • Right after, you have to enter the value of “outward velocity” into the designated field
  • Very next, you have to add the value of “returned velocity” into the given field


Once you followed the above steps for calculating the average velocity of round trip, then all you need to hit the calculate button, this calculator for the average velocity of the round trip shows:

  • Average Velocity of Round Trip
  • Outward Velocity
  • Returned Velocity

How to Calculate Average Velocity (manually)?

Average velocity can be calculated manually by applying average velocity formula. However,an error free approach is the use for average velocity calculator for this purpose. Let’s have a look on manual calculations down below:


Assume a car that is travelling on a straight road. It covers 100 meters in four seconds and covers 50 meters in 50 seconds in the other direction. What will be its average velocity?

For calculating average velocity, we will determine the total covered distance and time:

  • D= 100 m + 50 m = 150 m
  • T= 4 s + 1 s= 5 seconds.

Now we will apply the formula: Average velocity = Displacement/time elapsed

  • Add values in its formula: 50 meters / 5 seconds = 10 ms-1


Assume a runner who travels on a rectangle track. Covered distance is 280 meters in 100 seconds. How will you determine its average velocity?

  • Distance = 280 m
  • Time = 100 s
  • Apply formula and put the values: Average velocity = displacement / time = 280 / 100 = 2.8 m/s



From the source of brilliant – Concept About Average Velocity – Contributed by Filip Rázek, Aditya Virani, Jimin Khim

From the source of physics – stackexchange – the average velocity of the midpoint of initial velocity and final velocity under constant acceleration.