Enter the dataset values into this box plot generator, and click “Calculate” to create your box and whisker plot statistically.
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This boxplot calculator generates the visual box-whisker plot representation of the given dataset values. It makes the plot by pin-point five different statistical parameters such as (minimum, maximum, first quartile Q1, median Q2, and third quartile Q3)
“A box and whisker plot is a graphical representation that summarizes a set of data. It can be displayed along the number line, horizontally, or vertically”
The plot is a straight-forward way to compare the distribution of different data sets by representing the values side-by-side on a single graph. The box and whisker plot generator is the best tool that makes insightful comparisons and visualizes your data distribution.
This graph comes from the five statistical terms below:
Let us suppose a dataset that is given as follows. So make a boxplot of this given set of values. Data set = 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5
Steps to Create a Box Plot
# 1: Order the dataset
The given values are already arranged in ascending order 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5
# 2: Find the 5 number summary
Maximum Number | 5 |
Minimum Number | 1 |
First Quartile | 2.5 |
Median | 4 |
Third Quartile | 5.0 |
# 3: Draw, label, and create a box
Rather than sketching the plot manually, our online box and whisker plot maker is a valuable tool that takes a matter of seconds to show a graphical analysis of your dataset.
In the box and whisker plot:
Outliers are data points that fall significantly outside the whiskers, typically beyond 1.5 times the IQR from the quartiles.
You can enter unlimited numeric values in this box and whisker plot calculator.
The whiskers extend from the outside of the box and go from minimum to lower quartile and maximum to upper quartile.
BBC Bitesize: Box and whisker plot
Khan Academy: Reading and Constructing a box plot
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