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Convert Kilowatt-hour to Kilojoule (kW*h to kJ)


kilowatt-hour (kW*h)




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Convert Kilowatt-hour to Other Energy Units

You might need to perform conversions between kilowatt-hour (Kwh) and kilojoule (KJ) somewhere in your lives. So, what you have to do for accurate conversions between these units of energy. Simply, give a smart try to this online kilowatt hour to kilojoule converter that efficiently performs conversions from kwh to its equivalent kj.

But, if your teacher assigns you to do conversions between kilowatt-hour (Kwh) and kilojoule (KJ) manually, then you just need to try a kwh to kj conversion formula.

Read on!

  • 1 kilowatt hour (kwh) is equal to 3600 kilojoule (kj)
  • 1 kilojoule (kj) is equal to 0.0002777778 kilowatt hour (kwh)

kilowatt hour to kilojoule Formula:

The formula for is:

kilojoule = kwh * 3600

How do you convert kilowatt hour to kilojoule (kwh to kj)?

Convert with:

  • Online kwh to kj converter
  • Formula (the below example helps you)

Example of conversions from kilowatt hour and kilojoule:

Problem: Convert 990 kwh to kj?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • kilojoule = kwh * 3600

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • kilojoule = 990 * 3600

Step 3 (Result):

  • 3564000000 kilojoules

Means, 990 kilowatt hours (kwh) is equal to 3564000000 kilojoules (kj)

kilowatt hours (kwh) to Kilojoules (kj) conversion table: