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Mechanical Energy Calculator

Mechanical Energy Calculator

Enter the velocity, mass and height of the object in the input field and tool will calculate the mechanical energy

$$\text{ME} = \frac{1}{2}m{v}^{2}+mgh$$







Energy Unit


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The mechanical energy calculator calculates the sum of kinetic and potential energy stored in the body. Not only this, but you can also get the kinetic and potential energies by using this online tool.

What is Mechanical Energy?

Mechanical energy is the sum of the Kinetic energy and the potential energy of an object. The mechanical energy of an object is calculated to find the ability of an object to do the work. Mechanical energy is produced due to the motion of an object or by the position of an object. The mechanical energy calculator allows you to calculate the mechanical energy of an object.

Mechanical energy is the ability to do work that is produced due to the motion of an object or its position above the ground.

How to Find Mechanical Energy?

The formula for calculating the mechanical energy is given:

Mechanical Energy= Kinetic Energy + Potential energy

\(text{TE}=\frac {1}{2} mv^2 + mgH\)


m = mass of the object 

v = velocity of the object

g = gravity of the object 

H = Height of the object 


Find the mechanical energy of an object having a mass of 10 Kg and a velocity of 3m/s and lying at a height above ground is 10 m. Then how to calculate the mechanical energy of the object?

(g=9.8 m/s2)


m=10 kg 

v=3 m/s 

H=10 m

g=9.8 m/s2

Mechanical energy =?


\(M= \frac {1}{2} mv^2 + mgH\)

M:E= ½[(10)(3)^2]+(10)(9.8)(10)

M:E= 45+980

M:E= 1025 Joules

You need to enter the mass, velocity, and height of the object in the total energy calculator to determine the mechanical energy of the object.

Working of Mechanical Energy Calculator:

Let’s have a look at the working of the conservation of energy calculator.


  • Enter the mass, velocity, and height of the object 
  • Choose the unit of Mechanical energy 
  • Hit the calculate button 


  • The mechanical energy in terms of different SI units 
  • Kinetic energy & Potential energy


Are Mechanical Energy and Work the Same?

Yes, Mechanical energy is the ability to do work and both have the same unit which is Joule(J).

What Is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that:

“Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, you can only convert it from one form to another form”


From the source of Mechanical Energy, How to Calculate Total Mechanical Energy?

From the source of Wikipedia: Conservation of Mechanical Energy, How to Find Total Mechanical Energy?