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Convert cc to ml (cm^3 to mL)


cubic centimeter (cm^3)


milliliter (mL)


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A cubic centimeter and a millimeter both are the units of volume, but how do you convert from cc to ml. This post will takes you through a step-by-step process to convert cubic centimeters to ml. Also, if you want to convert cm3 to ml quickly, then simply plug-in the value of cm3 into the given field of this converter to get the equivalent milliliter (ml) value.

For better understanding, let’ take a look!

Read on!

Did You Know!

  • 1 cubic centimeter (cm3) is equal to 1 milliliters (ml)
  • 1 milliliter (ml) is equal to 1 cubic centimeters (cm3)

cc vs ml?

Cubic Centimeter (cc):

A cubic centimeter or cc is said to be as a unit of volume in the metric system.

Milliliter (ml):

A millimeter or ml is said to be as a unit of volume in the metric system.

cc to ml Formula:

The given equation is works best while converting from cm^3 to ml, also we demonstrate this formula with example below:

The formula for cm cubed to ml is:

mL = cm3 x 1

How do you convert cc to ml?

Convert with:

  • online cubic centimeter to milliliter converter (cm3 to ml)
  • Formula (the below example helps you)

Example of cubic centimeter (cm3) to millimeter (ml) conversion:

Problem: Convert 7.5 cubic cm to ml?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • mL = cm3 x 1

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • mL = 7.5 x 1

Step 3 (Result):

  • 7.5 millimeters

Means, 7.5 cubic centimeter (cm3) is equal to 7.5 millimeters (ml)

Cubic centimeters (cm3) to millimeters (ml) conversion table:

Cubic Centimters(Cc) Millimeters(ml)
1 Cc 1 ml
2 Cc 2 ml
3 Cc 3 ml
4 Cc 4 ml
5 Cc 5 ml
6 Cc 6 ml
7 Cc 7 ml
8 Cc 8 ml
9 Cc 9 ml
10 Cc 10 ml
15 Cc 15 ml
20 Cc 20 ml
25 Cc 25 ml
30 Cc 30 ml
35 Cc 35 ml
40 Cc 40 ml
45 Cc 45 ml
50 Cc 50 ml
60 Cc 60 ml
70 Cc 70 ml
80 Cc 80 ml
90 Cc 90 ml
100 Cc 100 ml