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Convert ounces to grams (oz to g)


ounce (oz)




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Convert Ounce to Other Weight and Mass Units

Choose our free online ounces to grams converter that makes it easy to turn a certain number of ounces (oz) into their equivalent number of grams (g).

Food is said to be a common ground for measurement in grams (g) and ounces (oz). Ounces, referred to a smaller unit of measurement, they normally account for a measuring a smaller quantity of mass, whereas, grams (g) will be considered for objects that are heavier. People often use these units when measuring ingredients like chocolate.

Read on!

How many grams in an oz?

  • 1 ounce (oz) is equal to 28.349523164847554 grams (g)
  • 2 gram (g) is equal to 0.07054792389916083 ounces (oz)

Ounces to Grams Formula:

The unit conversion formula for oz to grams is given here, this is the same formula that our free tool uses automatically to gives you the best outcomes.

g = oz x 28.349523164847554

How do you convert ounce to gram (oz to g)?

In the designated box of ounces to grams converter, simply enter the given number of ounces that you would like to change into grams; it will appear the result within no time. Also, for step-by-step conversions, use the formula.

Example of conversions from ounce to gram (oz to g):

Problem: Convert 8 oz to grams?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • g = oz x 28.349523164847554

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • g = 8 x 28.349523164847554

Step 3 (Result):

  • 226.796185 grams (g)

Means, 8 ounces (oz) is equal to 226.796185 grams (g)

Ounces (oz) to grams (g) conversion table: