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Constant of Proportionality Calculator

Constant of Proportionality Calculator

Enter dependent and independent variables and the calculator will readily calculator constant of proportionality, with the steps shown.

$$ k = \dfrac{y}{x}$$

Dependent Variable (Y):

Independent Variable (X):


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Use this constant of proportionality Calculator to calculate the constant of proportionality that is based on two related values (x and y). Once you click away on our proportional relationship calculator and determine two variables that are directly or indirectly proportional to each other in a fraction of seconds.

If you want to calculate these particular parameters, read this context which is specially arranged for you.

So let’s move on!

What Is The Constant of Proportionality?

The constant of proportionality is defined as:

“The constant value of the ratio between two proportional quantities”.

Two quantities are said to be in a relation to proportionality when their ratio or products are constant. The value of constant proportionality depends on two given quantities: Direct Variation and Inverse Variation.

Direct Variation: The equation for direct proportionality is as follows:

y = kx.

It shows that when x increases, y also increases at the same rate.


The cost per item (y) is directly proportional to the number of items(x) purchased and is generally expressed as y ∝ x

Inverse Variation: The equation for the indirect proportionality is y = k/x. It shows that as y increases, x decreases and vice-versa.


The speed of a moving car (y) inversely varies as the time taken (x) to cover a certain

distance and is generally expressed as y ∝ 1/x

Constant of Proportionality Formula:

A proportional relationship between two quantities y and x which has a constant of proportionality k is indicated by the constant of proportionality equation given as under:

y = k*x.

Y = dependent variable

K = constant proportionality

X= independent variable

With the above formula, you can estimate the value of constant proportionality with respect to this proportional equation calculator

How To Find The Constant of Proportionality?

Right now, look at the following constant of proportionality examples that help you to clarify your concepts. You can also verify your answer with respect to this constant of proportionality calculator.


What is constant of proportionality if y=20 and x=5, and y ∝ x.


As we know that y varies directly proportionally with x.

We can write the equation of the proportionality constant as y = kx.

Substitute the given values of x and y, and solve for k.

20 = k (5)

k = 20 ÷ 5 = 4

Therefore, the constant of proportionality is 8.


What is a constant of proportionality for direct and indirect variation initial value = 17 units, constant of proportionality k = 6?

Constant of Proportionality, y = k / x

= 6 / 17

= 0.352

Therefore, the constant of proportionality is 0.352.

How Does The Proportionality Constant Calculator Work?

Let’s see this free linear proportions calculator is the best way to find out the ratio between two proportional quantities. et’s move on and have a look at the working of this constant of proportionality calculator.


  • First, enter the value of a dependent variable (y) and the independent value (x) into the designated box.
  • After that, make a tap on the “calculate” button.


  • This free proportional relationship equation calculator determines the following result
  • The value of the proportionality constant (K).


Is proportion a type of ratio?

Yes, since a proportion is an equation or equality of the two ratios (y/x) and we can write proportions to calculate equivalent ratios between two unknown quantities.

Can there be two constants of proportionality?

When two variables or quantities are directly or indirectly proportional to each other, then their relationship can be expressed as y = kx or k =y/x.

Where k determines how the two variables or quantities are related to one another. You can calculate the value of k (proportionality constant) by subjecting this online constant of proportionality calculator.

What is the constant equation?

A constant is a fixed value in the equation such as the numerical number. It does not change with respect to the variables in an expression or equation.



Here 3 and 5 are constant values, and x is a variable in the equation.

Is mass a constant of proportionality?

No, mass is not a proportionality constant. Mass or weight is a universal constant.
It is measured in Kilograms and grams

What is meant by force constant?

A force constant is another term referred to as a spring constant, which is defined by Hooke’s law. It is a proportionality constant, more specifically. The strength constant k is related to a system’s rigidity or stiffness, the greater the constant of force, the greater the restoring force, and vice-versa.


Generally, the constant Proportionality calculator plays an important role to find the constant of proportionality in the physics, mathematics, and engineering fields.
We use a constant of proportionality calculator to calculate the rate of change and at the same time determine in case whether it is a direct variation or inverse variation that we are dealing with. Working with it allows one to solve many real-life problems.


From the source of Wikipedia: Proportionality, Hyperbolic coordinates, Inverse proportionality

From the source of khan academy: Constant of proportionality