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Use this numbers divisible calculator to check if a number (numerator) is completely divisible by another number (denominator) or not, without leaving any reminders.
“A number is said to be divisible by another number if it can be divided by that number, and the remainder becomes a zero.”
Divisibility Rule of 1:
All numbers are divisible by 1.
Divisibility Rule of 2:
If there is a number whose last digit includes an even number such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 866, 678, then It is divisible by 2 completely.
Divisibility Rule For 3:
According to this rule, a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is equal to the multiple of 3.
Divisibility Rule of 4:
If the last two digits of a given number are a multiple of 4, then we can say that it is divisible by 4 completely.
Divisibility Rule of 5:
Those numbers in which the last digits have 0 or 5 are divisible by 5 completely.
Divisibility Rule of 6:
The multiple of 2 and 3 are always divisible by 6. If the last digit of the number is even and the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3, then the given number is also divisible by 6.
Divisibility Rule For 7:
Follow the steps to understand this rule:
Divisibility Rule of 8:
If the last three digits of a number are multiple of 8, then the given number is divisible by 8.
Divisibility Rule of 9:
If the sum of the digits of a given number is multiple of 9, then the number itself is called divisible by 9.
Divisibility Rule of 10:
According to this rule, any number whose last digit has 0, is always divisible by 10.
Divisibility Rule for 11:
To determine whether a number is divisible by 11 or not, just take the alternating sum of the digits (subtract the sum of the even digits from the sum of the odd digits). Now if the result is 0, or divisible by 11, then the original number is also completely divisible by 11.
Divisibility Rule of 12:
If the given number is divisible by both 3 and 4, then the original number is divisible by 12 completely.
Divisibility Rule for 13:
Whether you want to check if the given number is divisible by 13, you have to add four times the last digit of the number to the remaining number, and the process repeats until you get a two-digit number.
To verify it, try our evenly divisible calculator and get precise results in seconds.
Example #1:
Check if the number 298 is divisible by 2.
The given number is 298
According to the divisible rule of 2:
The last digit of the given number is 8, which is divisible by 2, such that:
= 8/2 = 4
Therefore, 298 is divisible by 2.
Example #2:
Check if 185 is divisible by 4.
Since the last digit of 185 is 5, which is not divisible by 4.
Therefore, 185 is not divisible by 4.
Here are the steps to use our divisibility calculator:
It's an easy way to determine whether the given number is evenly divisible by a specific divisor, without performing the division process.
Yes, Dividing 0 by 3 gives 0 which is an integer. Therefore, 0 is divisible by 3.
From the source of Wikipedia: Divisibility rule, Divisibility rules for numbers.
From the source of Khan academy: Divisibility tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10.
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