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Convert kJ to J


joule (J)




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Both kilojoules (kj) and joules (j) are the common units of energy, typically used in the measuring of energy, but they both are of different magnitudes. The kj is said to be as derivative of the Joule, the (J) itself refers to as a derivative metric, which equal to the energy transferred to (work done on) an object when a force (f) of 1 newton (N) acts on it in the direction of its motion via a distance of 1 meter (m). An equivalent definition is said to be as the energy dissipated as heat with an electric current of 1 ampere (amp) passing via a resistance of 1 ohm (Ω) for 1 second (sec).

Luckily, conversions from kilojoules to joules become simpler with the assistance of a above converter. An online kj to j converter simply uses to convert the any number of kilojoules into the exact equivalent number joules (j). Simply, enter the amount of kilojoules (kj) to attain the exact and even accurate number of joules (j).

Also, here you can explore the formula that also allows you to perform conversions from kj to joules. So, first, you should beware of how many joules in a kj!

Read on!

  • 1 kilojoule (kj) is equal to 1000 joules (j)
  • 1 joule (j) is equal to 0.001 kilojoule (kj)

Kilojoules to joules Formula:

The formula for kj to j is:

J = kJ x 1,000

How do you convert kilojoules to joules (kj to j)?

Convert with:

  • Online kj to joules converter
  • Formula (the below example helps you)

Example of conversions between kilojoule and joule:

Problem: Convert 7 kj to j?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • J = kJ x 1,000

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • J = 7 x 1,000

Step 3 (Result):

  • 7000 joules

Means, 7 kilojoules (kj) is equal to 7000 joules (j)

Kilojoules (kj) to joules (j) conversion table: