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Our steps to miles calculator helps you to calculate distance covered in miles for the number of steps you have walked. Each and every tour covers a certain amount of land area covered behind. And this is what our calculator calculates in miles.
Our steps to miles calculator utilises the following equation to convert steps to miles:
Miles = Steps × Step Length (Inches) / 63,360
Miles = Steps × Step Length (Feet) / 5,280
Go through the example below to understand how you could convert steps to miles:
Reshaeel walked 7800 steps. How many miles did he actually cover?
So here we are having:
Distance / Stride Length = Steps Per Mile
Stride length = 2.5 ft
Distance / 2.5 ft = 7800
Distance = 7800*2.5 ft
Distance = 19.5 miles
You can also determine how many calories you have burned for the number of steps you walked by using another steps to calories calculator.
The process is simpler! Follow the guide below and you are almost there:
With a proper calculation, 5000 steps of walk are equivalent to two and half miles (2.5 mi). Additionally, it depends upon the length of stride and height of the person. Where a woman covers 2.08 miles for 5k steps, a man can cover up to 2.37k miles in the same number of steps.
If you walk 4000 steps, you have actually covered 4.5 miles of distance.
For man = 4.735 miles
For woman = 4.163 miles
There are 6.75 miles in 15000 steps.
For man = 7.102 miles
For woman = 6.245 miles
20000 steps are supposed to cover a distance of 9 miles.
For man = 9.47 miles
For woman = 8.326 miles
From the source of Wikipedia: Mile, International, Nautical, Geographical
Steps | Men | Women |
1000 | 0.47 miles | 0.42 miles |
2,000 | 0.95 miles | 0.83 miles |
3000 | 1.42 miles | 1.25 miles |
4000 | 1.89 miles | 1.67 miles |
6000 | 2.84 miles | 2.50 miles |
7000 | 3.31 miles | 2.92 miles |
8000 | 3.79 miles | 3.33 miles |
9000 | 4.26 miles | 3.75 miles |
11000 | 5.21 miles | 4.58 miles |
12000 | 5.68 miles | 5.00 miles |
13000 | 6.16 miles | 5.42 miles |
14000 | 6.63 miles | 5.83 miles |
16000 | 7.58 miles | 6.67 miles |
17000 | 8.05 miles | 7.08 miles |
18000 | 8.52 miles | 7.50 miles |
19000 | 9.00 miles | 7.92 miles |
21000 | 9.94 miles | 8.75 miles |
22000 | 10.42 miles | 9.17 miles |
23000 | 10.89 miles | 9.58 miles |
24000 | 11.36 miles | 10.00 miles |
25000 | 14.20 miles | 12.50 miles |
26000 | 12.31 miles | 10.83 miles |
27000 | 12.78 miles | 11.25 miles |
28000 | 13.26 miles | 11.67 miles |
29000 | 13.73 miles | 12.08 miles |
30000 | 16.57 miles | 14.58 miles |
40000 | 18.94 miles | 16.67 miles |
50000 | 23.67 miles | 20.83 miles |
60000 | 28.41 miles | 25.00 miles |
70000 | 33.14 miles | 29.17 miles |
80000 | 37.88 miles | 33.33 miles |
90000 | 42.61 miles | 37.50 miles |
100000 | 47.35 miles | 41.67 miles |
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