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Comparing Decimals Calculator

Enter decimal values and our tool will display which is greater or smaller.

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This online comparing decimals calculator allows you to compare a couple of decimal values and tells which decimal value is greater than the other.

How to Use This Comparing Decimals Calculator?

Below are the steps to compare two decimal numbers:

  • Enter the first number.
  • Enter the second number.
  • Hit the “Calculate” button to compare the two decimal numbers.

What Are Decimal Numbers?

Particular numerals containing both whole numbers and decimal parts are known as the decimal numbers.

For example;

  • In the decimal numeral 23.568, 23 is the whole number part and .568 is the decimal numeral part.

Remember that the decimal number portion that is followed by the decimal point is always less than one.

Apart from this, you can also turn decimals to fractions and then compare them accordingly.

How to Compare Decimals?

Example # 01:

Let us suppose we have a couple of decimal numerals as below:

23.548 & 41.848

Which decimal is bigger among the two? Let us tell you! Now here, we will compare both of these decimals to analyse which one is greater or smaller from one another!

  • As the first numbers of both numerals are 23 and 41. The number 41 is already greater than 23. This is why we can say that the decimal number with 41 is greater than the one with 23.

Example # 02:

Which decimal greater than less than here?

56.187 & 56.157

As digits before decimal notation are alike, we will compare digits after decimal point (one-by-one)

  • The first digits after decimal for both the numbers are 1, so we will move to the next ones
  • The next digits are 8 and 5, respectively. As we see that 8>5, so the number 56.187 is greater than the number 56.157


From the source of Wikipedia: Decimal, Origin, Decimal notation, Decimal fractions, Real number approximation, Infinite decimal expansion, Decimal computation From the source of Khan Academy: Comparing decimals (tenths and hundredths)

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