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Convert Gram to Carat (g to car)


gram (g)




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Use our online gram to carat converter through which you can be able to convert quantities of grams to carats. Here you come to know about the standard math formula that used to perform conversions from gram (g) to carats (car).

Let’s read some about the basics!

What is Gram Unit of Measure?

Gram is said to be a unit of measurement for weight. Gram is a well-known part of the International System of Units. Most gram is used for measurements of solid objects; its symbol is (g).

What is Carat Unit of Measure?

Carat is referred to as a unit of measurement for weight. It is generally used for measuring gemstones and pearls. You can see that people of confused with the terms carat and karat. However, karat is the unit that only used to measure the purity of gold. Remember that gold is only considered pure if it has a weight of around 24 karat; the symbol of carat is (car).

How many carats in a gram?

  • 1 gram (g) is equal to 5 carats (car)
  • 1 carat (car) is equal to 0.2 grams (ct)

Grams to Carats Formula:

The formula for gram to carat is:

carats = grams × 5

How do You Convert Grams to Carats?

There are two best and simple ways to convert the grams values into carats, these are:

  • Online grams to gram to carat converter
  • Formula (look at the example below)

Example of conversions between grams and carats:

Problem: Convert 24 grams to carats?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • carats = grams × 5

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • carats = 24 × 5

Step 3 (Result):

  • 120 carats

Means, 24 grams (g) is equal to 120 carats (car)

Grams (g) into Carats (Car) conversion table: