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Average Calculator

Select the method of entering numbers and then follow to get the average of a data set through this calculator. Obtain other related values such as median, mode, range, standard deviation, etc. along with frequency table.

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Please provide numbers separated by a comma to calculate the average of the numbers.


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Our average calculator helps to calculate the average or mean value of any given data set of numbers. Apart from finding the mean or average of numbers, this calculator will calculate and shows the graph (data set distribution with average), table, steps involved.

What Is The Average?

It refers to the single number that represents all the numbers in a data set of values.

When it comes to mathematical context, the average is the term that refers to the mean or arithmetic mean.

How to Calculate Average of Data Set?

There are 10 students, and so far their cumulative percentage grades are:

78, 64, 87, 95, 88, 74, 82, 93, 79, and 82.

How do you find the means of the numbers for all students?


Using the average formula;

Average = Sum of Terms / Number of Terms

Let’s start by adding up all of the student’s scores:

Sum of terms = 78 + 64 + 87 + 95 + 88 + 74 + 82 + 93 + 79 + 82 = 822

Number of terms = 10

Now we have;

Average = 822 / 10

Average = 82.2

What Are The Types of Averages?

In mathematics, we people use three different types of averages that include:

  • Mean: Said to be what you get if you share everything equally
  • Mode: Said to be the most common value
  • Median: Said to be the value in the middle of a set of data

Working of This Calculator:

Our average finder is quite simple to use! Just fetch the following required inputs and get results.


  • Select the way you like to enter data (separated as comma, space, or user-defined)
  • Enter the data set of values
  • Tap Calculate to find average


  • Average of the data set entered
  • Median & Mode
  • Range (Biggest – Smallest)
  • Geometric Mean
  • Ascending & Descending Order
  • Even & Odd Numbers:
  • Total Sum and value count
  • Population & Sample Standard Deviation
  • Most Greater & Lowest Value
  • Distribution table according to the given data set
  • Also shows the graph for the “Numbers distribution with average”

Average Values Chart:

Get through the chart below that is specially arranged to calculate averages of some of the most widely used number pairs.


Sr. No. Number Pair Average of 2 Numbers
1 60 and 100 80
2 90 and 100 95
3 88 and 100 94
4 95 and 100 97.5
5 92 and 100 96
6 60 and 100 80
7 86 and 100 93
8 87 and 100 93.5
9 78 and 100 89
10 70 and 100 85
11 80 and 90 85
12 84 and 100 92
13 86 and 100 93
14 93 and 100 96.5


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Average Calculation – Average Formula – Pythagorean means – Arithmetic mean – Geometric mean – Harmonic mean – Inequality concerning AM, GM, and HM