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Mole Ratio Calculator

Mole Ratio Calculator

The calculator helps students, chemists, and researchers to calculate the molar ratios for the known stoichiometric values of a balanced chemical reaction.

I want to calculate:

First Reactant

Coefficient in balanced reaction


Number of moles or molecules

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Molecular Weight

Mass of First Reactant

Second Reactant

Coefficient in balanced reaction


Number of moles or molecules

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Molecular Weight

Mass of Second Reactant

First Product

Coefficient in balanced reaction


Number of moles or molecules

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Molecular Weight

Mass of First Product

Second Product

Coefficient in balanced reaction


Number of moles or molecules

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Number of atoms in one molecule


Number of atoms in one molecule

Molecular Weight

Mass of First Product


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The mole ratio calculator calculates the ratio of moles between reactants and products based on the balanced chemical equation of the reaction.

What Is Mole To Mole Ratio?

“Mole ratio is a conversion factor that proportionally relates the amounts of chemical substances involved in a reaction

SI Unit: Mole

Mole Ratio Formula:

Mole Ratio = Moles of Reactants/Moles of Products

The values here come from the coefficient of the chemical reaction.


Consider the following balanced chemical equation:

\({N_2} \left( g \right) + 3{H_2} \left( g \right) \rightarrow 2{NH_3} \left( g \right)\nonumber\)

The reaction has 6 mole ratios, elaborated as:

\(\begin{array}{ccc}\dfrac{3 \: \text{mol} \: {H_2}}{1 \: \text{mol} \: {N_2}} & or & \dfrac{1 \: \text{mol} \: {N_2}}{3 \: \text{mol} \: {H_2}} \\ \dfrac{1 \: \text{mol} \: {N_2}}{2 \: \text{mol} \: {NH_3}} & or & \dfrac{2 \: \text{mol} \: {NH_3}}{1 \: \text{mol} \: {N_2}} \\ \dfrac{3 \: \text{mol} \: {H_2}}{2 \: \text{mol} \: {NH_3}} & or & \dfrac{2 \: \text{mol} \: {NH_3}}{3 \: \text{mol} \: {H_2}} \end{array}\nonumber\)

Related: If you have any reaction that is unbalanced, you can use the balancing chemical equations calculator to balance it.

How To Find Mole Ratio?

Calculating mole ratios helps to estimate the theoretical yield of a chemical reaction. To calculate it, follow the steps below:

  • Balance the chemical equation
  • Separate the coefficients of reactants and products
  • Determine their ratios to get the answer

Solved Example (Mole Ratio):

Consider you have the following reaction:

\({N_2} \left( g \right) + 3{H_2} \left( g \right) \rightarrow 2{NH_3} \left( g \right)\nonumber\)

If 5.83 moles of hydrogen reacts with the excess amount of nitrogen, how many moles of ammonia will be produced after the reaction completes?


Step # 01: Write the Given Values

Moles of \(H_2\) = 5.83

Step # 02: Now Write Down the Unknown Quantity

Moles of \(NH_3\) = ?

Step # 03: Identify the Nature of the Problem

The given reaction is converting \(H_2\) into \(NH_3\) moles. So we will ignore the \(N_2\) completely. Our main concern is to find a conversion factor that allows us to write \(NH_3\) in the numerator and \(H_2\) in the denominator.

Step # 04: Solve

\(5.83 \: \text{mol} \:{H_2} \times \dfrac{2 \: \text{mol} \:{NH_3}}{3 \: \text{mol} \:{H_2}} = 3.88 \: \text{mol} \:{NH_3}\nonumber\)

Mole Ratio Calculator:

Using our calculator lets you understand the stoichiometric relationships between the chemical species in a reaction. Learn how to use the tool to obtain accurate and instant results for molar ratios.

  • Step 1: Add the stoichiometric values for the given reactants/products into this tool-sections.
  • Step 2: Click “Calculate” button
  • Step 3: This calculator shows the Molar ratio for each reactants/products for the selected coefficients

What Is Mole Ratio In Water?

mole ratio in water
As seen from the following balanced equation:

\(2H_2 + O_2 ⟶ 2H_2O\)

Mole Ratio = 2:1

Mole Ratio From Molecular Weight:

  • Calculate the moles of the first substance from its given mass and molecular mass
  • Do the same for every other substance in the reaction
  • Calculate the mole ratio as per the formula aforementioned