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Convert Nanometer to Micrometer (nm to µm)


nanometer (nm)


micrometer (µm)


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Nanometers and micrometers are two metric units of measurement; they are smaller and typically used in chemistry and biology. If you want to complete these conversions quickly, then this online nanometer to micrometer converter will help in a great way. You just have to add the nanometer number into the designated box to get the equivalent micrometer numbers.

Read on!

Did You Know!

1 nanometers (nm) is equal to 0.001 micrometers (µm)

1 micrometers (µm) is equal to 1000 nanometers (nm)

nanometer to micrometer Formula:

By simply remember this nm to micrometers formula; you can readily make the calculations yourself:

The formula for nm to µm is:

micrometers = nm ÷ 1,000

How to convert nanometer to micrometer (nm to µm)?

However, there are plenty of ways to perform conversions from nanometer to µm, but the most common ways are:

If you want to do direct conversions between these units of length, then simply utilize an online converter for nm to micrometers

And, if your professor assigned you a homework to do these conversions manually, then the above formula is for you, for better understanding take a look below

Example of nanometers (nm) to micrometers (µm) conversion:

Problem: Convert 500 nm to µm?


Step 1 (Formula):

  • micrometers = nm ÷ 1,000

Step 2 (Put the Values):

  • micrometers = 500 ÷ 1,000

Step 3 (Result):

  • 0.5 micrometers

Means, 500 nanometers (nm) is equal to 0.5 micrometers (µm)

Nanometers (nm) to Micrometers (µm) conversion table:

Nanometers (nm) to Micrometers (µm) conversion Table:

Nanometers(nm) Micrometers(µm)
1 nm 0.001 µm
2 nm 0.002 µm
3 nm 0.003 µm
4 nm 0.004 µm
5 nm 0.005 µm
6 nm 0.006 µm
7 nm 0.007 µm
8 nm 0.008 µm
9 nm 0.009 µm
10 nm 0.01 µm
15 nm 0.015 µm
20 nm 0.02 µm
25 nm 0.025 µm
30 nm 0.03 µm
35 nm 0.035 µm
40 nm 0.04 µm
45 nm 0.045 µm
50 nm 0.05 µm
60 nm 0.06 µm
70 nm 0.07 µm
80 nm 0.08 µm
90 nm 0.09 µm
100 nm 0.1 µm