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Average Rate of Change Calculator

Average Rate of Change Calculator

Enter the function f(x), X₁ and X₂ values in the average rate of change calculator to know the f(x₁), f(x₂), f(x₁)-(x₂), (x₁-x₂), and the rate of change.

Enter a Function:

Enter (x₁)

Enter (x₂)


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Use this online average rate of change calculator that helps you to determine the average rate of a function on the given interval. Well, it is a rate that tells how a number changes on average with another. So, let’s dive in, to understand how to find average rate of change with a formula.

What is the Average Rate of Change?

Generally, it defines how one quantity changes with the change in the other value. In other words, the average rate of change of a given function between input values is expressed as the total change of the output function divided by the change in input values.

Average Rate of Change Formula:

The standard average rate of change equation is:
$$\frac {f(b)−f(a)} {b−a}$$

• (a, f(a)) are coordinates of the first point
• (b, f(b))are coordinates of other point.

How to Find Average Rate of Change of a Function?

If you know the intervals and a function, then, we apply the standard formula that calculates the average rate.
Find the average rate of change of function f(y) = 3y2 + 5 on the y interval (-1, 3).
Where value of set a = -1 and b = 3 so that “a” is the left interval, and b is the right side on interval.
$$f(a) = 3(-12) + 5 = 8$$
$$f(b) = 3(32) + 5 = 32$$
Now, let’s substitute values into the average rate of change formula.
$$ \frac{(32 – 8)}{(3 – (-1))}$$
$$\frac{24}{4} = 6$$

How Average Rate of Change Calculator Works?


• Firstly, enter a function for calculating the average rate.
• Now, plug in the values of the interval
• Press the calculate button


• Initially, the calculator displays the given function and interval.
• Then, provide the stepwise solution.
• Hence, you can do calculations numerous times by click on the “Recalculate” button.


From the source of Wikipedia: Slope Formula, Calculating Slope from a Graph, Slope Formula and Coordinates, Slope of Horizontal and Vertical Lines.

From the source of Brilliant: Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change, Instantaneous Rate of Change.